The 12 Ascension Chakras

About Course
Expand your Consciousness by connecting and managing all 12 of your 5D chakras
It is time to upgrade your chakra system!
We all know by now that there is more to our existence than just the physical aspects. Most people are already actively working with their subtle body, the energy flow through this system and are aware of their chakras.
It is now time to step it up, shift the vibration to a Higher level and connect to your sub- and transpersonal chakras!
What will you learn?
I teach you about each of the 12 chakras. We will start at the bottom and work our way upwards and learn about the following:
– The location of each chakra;
– The NEW colour vibrations;
– Aspects and correspondences for each chakra;
– Ways to manage each chakra;
– Consciously connecting to and activating your awareness to each individual chakra;
– Balancing ALL of the chakras
You will get:
– Video content of almost 2 hours;
– Guided MP3’s and activations;
– Easy, short projects to help you connect deeper with each chakra;
– A complete set of notes for each and every chakra
Why TWELVE Chakras?
In the age of Atlantis, highly evolved and spiritual beings roamed the Earth. They were completely in touch with their non-physical aspects, including their chakras.
Since then, humanity had been closed off from anything that was not manifested in physical form.
The time has now come to connect deeper, and by connecting to the energy centres that are outside the physical body, you are stepping up your own vibration.
These chakras have a higher vibration; their colour resonances change and some of them are not even located inside the physical body, but extend upwards as well as below our feet.
It is now time for you to awaken your latent DNA, by connecting and actively working with these chakras!
My Journey with the Ascension Chakras began way back in around 2008. I attended a Diana Cooper Seminar in Jo’burgh. It was her “2012 and Beyond” tour and during the workshop she ‘activated’ our consciousness to the newly Ascending Chakra system.
It has changed me, my Life and (obviously) my perceptions! It goes without saying that it has also empowered me beyond my wildest imaginings, and I would absolutely LOVE to share this experience with you, through my own experiences and research into these critical points of energy.
Course Content
Module 1: Introduction